10 comments on “Currys, TechGuys and Hotpoint could do better

  1. The story was funny, though not for you.

    I recognize the server error message from watching the clients here. Programmed in Microsoft ASP.NET I’d say.

    If the machine leaks you can sue yourself as the installer.

    Here they sell extension outlet hoses.

  2. Hi Rob,

    There was an extension outlet hose already there, but they wouldn’t connect it to the new washing machine.

    If it leaks and I sue myself, I’ll defend myself.

    I tried a load of washing, and it didn’t leak.

    Re range hood – it’s even more annoying if it is just out of warranty.

  3. Since no one has bought my book (Ancient Futures! Kindle!), I have had to embrace poverty and the one good thing about poverty is that you don’t have to bugger around with buying washing machines. You should refer this piece to the basturns and say you’ll take it off the internet if you get a free holiday to Kathmandu, and then you could give that to me for my Xmas. Hotboy

    • Hotboy plugs his book for the minions. Well done. I don’t have the Kindle, however. Do you have audiotape? I’d purchase a copy from somewhere, which might get you bus fare to the airport. No telling how you’d get back.

  4. Pingback: Learning curve « Roddy Macleod's Blog

  5. You’ve got me worried now. Our dishwasher expired, and we were thinking of replacing it with a Hotpoint from Dixons (same group/systems as Currys). What would Dad think?

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